Friday, March 2, 2018

Micro Syllabus BSc CSIT Computer Network

Computer Network Micro-Syllabus

Course Code: CSC 301

Credit Hour: 3hrs

Full Marks [60+20+20]

Pass Marks [24+8+8]

Course Contents

Unit 1 [33 Hrs]

  • Computer Network

    Introduction to networking, computer network, Internet, the network edge: end system, clients, server, connection oriented and connection-less service, network core, network access and physical media, ISPs and back bone.

  • Protocol Layers

    Introduction, layered architecture, The Internet protocol stack, network entities and layers.

  • Application Layer

    Introduction, principles of application layer protocols, the web and HTTP, file transfer, Domain Name Service [DNS]: Working of DNS, DNS records, DNS messages.

  • Transport Layer

    Introduction, relationship between transport layer and network layer, transport layer in the Internet, multiplexing and de-multiplexing, connection-less transport, reliable data transfer: Building a reliable data transfer protocol, pipelined reliable data transfer protocol, Go-Back-N ( GBN ), selective repeat ( SR ), connection oriented transport : TCP , TCP connection, TCP segment structure, time estimation and time out, flow control, Principle of congestion control: The causes and costs of congestion, approaches to congestion control.

  • Network Layer

    Introduction, network service model, datagrams and virtual circuit service, routing principles: A link state routing algorithm, the distance vector routing algorithm, hierarchical routing, The Internet protocol ( IP ): IPV4 addressing, datagram format, IP datagram fragmentation, Internet Control Message Protocol [ ICMP], Network address translator, routing in the Internet, IPV6, Multicasting routing.

Unit 2 [12 Hrs]

  • Link Layer and Local Area Networks

    Introduction, Data link layer: the services provided by the link layer, error detection and error correction techniques, multiple access protocols, LAN addresses and Address Resolution Protocol, Ethernet, Wireless Links: IEEE 802.11b, Bluetooth, point to point protocol (PPP), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), frame relay.

  • Multimedia Networking

    Introduction, multimedia networking application, streaming audio and video.

  • Network Management

    Introduction, The infrastructure for network management.

Laboratory works:

  • Developing the network system in the small scale.

Text Books:

  • Computer Networking; A Top Down Approach Featuring The Internet, 2nd Edition, Kurose James F.
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Micro Syllabus BScCSIT Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Micro-Syllabus

Course Contents

Course Code: CSC 304

Credit Hour: 3hrs

Full Marks [60+20+20]

Pass Marks [24+8+8]

Unit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4 hrs.

Artificial Intelligence and related fields, brief history of AI, applications of AI, Definition & importance of knowledge & learning, Agent & its type and performance measures.

Unit 2: Problem Solving 6 hrs.

Problem definition, problem as a state space search, problem formulation, problem types: Tor problems, Real world problems, Well-defined problems, Constraint satisfaction problem (Basic concept & examples), Production systems (Definition, Architecture, examples).

Unit 3: Search Techniques 9 hrs.

Uniformed search techniques: depth first search, breadth first search, depth limit search, Iterative deepening search, Bidirectional search, & search strategy comparison. Informed search techniques: Greedy best first search, A* search, Hill climbing search, Simulated annealing, Game playing, Adversarial search techniques-mini-max procedure, alpha beta pruning.

Unit 4: Knowledge Representation, Inferential reasoning 12 hrs.

Formal logic connectives, truth table, syntax, semantics, tautology, validity, well-formed formula, propositional logic, Inference with PL: Resolution, Backward chaining & Forward chaining, predicate logic (FOPL), quantification, inference with FOPL by converting into PL (Existential & Universal instantiation), Directly with FOPL. (Unification & lifting, resolution, backward chaining, forward chaining), Rule based deduction system, Statistical reasoning-probability & Bayes theorem & causal networks, reasoning in belief network.

Unit 5: Structured Knowledge Representation 4 hrs.

Representation and mappings, Approaches to knowledge representation, Issues in knowledge representation, Semantic nets, Frames, Conceptual dependencies and scripts (Rich and Knight).

Unit 6: Machine Learning 4 hrs.

Concepts of learning, learning from examples, explanation based learning, learning by analogy, learning by simulating evolution, learning by training neural nets, learning by training perceptions.

Unit 7: Applications of Artificial Intelligence 6 hrs.

Expert system (Architecture, Expert system development process), Neural Network (Mathematical model, gate realization, Network structure), natural language processing (Steps of NLP parsing), Basic concepts of Machine vision.

Laboratory Work:

  • Laboratory exercises should be conducted in either LISP or PROLOG.
  • Laboratory exercises must cover the fundamental search techniques, concept of knowledge representation.

Text/Reference Books

  • E. Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill.
  • D.W. Patterson, Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Printice Hall.
  • P.H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley.
  • P.H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley.
  • Stuart Rusel and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approaches, Pearson
  • Ivan Bratko, PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence.
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

Technical Writing (TW) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 80
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.256)        Pass Marks: 32
(Technical Writing)                                Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.
  1. What is "subject verb agreement" in a sentence? Why is this agreement necessary in any type of writing? Explain it with at least three examples. (10)

  2. Prepare an imaginary data in about 5 years of first, 2nd and 3rd year students. show their pass rate of failure rate through graphs, if possible use different colour. (15)

  3. Write a newspaper article in about 250 words making a comparison and contrast between different forms of computer set like desktop, laptop, palmtop or others based on their function mode, facilities ease and access, difficulty and complexity (including technical description). (15)

  4. Write instructions about loading photos in a file of the computer and how to use those photos in different facts of a seminar report of your college. Also give instruction about using Photoshop program in the computer.

  5. Read the following advertisement and write a job application, and attach your recent bio-data with the application. (15)

    Immediately wanted

    Toyata Nepal has a vacancy for computer engineer to work on for 7 years. Interested candidates with computer bachelor/computer engineering qualification can apply within a week to the email:

  6. Write two paragraphs on advantages and disadvantages of using such devices like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Android, EDGE using the following expressions, on the one hand, in brief, however, moreover, such as, whereas, for example, that is. (15)
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Monday, January 15, 2018

Introduction to Cognitive Science (ICT) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.255)        Pass Marks: 24
(Introduction to Cognitive Science)                      Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.
  1. Why cognitive science is important in the computer science? How philosophy and sociology influences cognitive science?

  2. Define AI. Explain about Turing response to Descartes.

  3. Define knowledge representation system. How can you represent knowledge using semantic networks? Explain with example.

  4. What do you mean by CNF? List out the different rules while converting to CNF.
    Convert the KB = {(G v H) -> (¬J ʌ ¬ K)} into CNF.

  5. Define computation. What are the elements of a computing model? What is importance of grammar in computation.

  6. Differentiate between Blind and Heuristic search. Explain the algorithm of Best First Search with example.

  7. Explain the Hebbian's learning algorithm with example.

  8. Explain the Descartes mind body problem. Justify how Descartes defined the problem using wax argument.

  9. What is the meaning of qualia in John Searle's point of view? Discuss about Searle response to Descartes.


    Explain Roger Penrose approach in the cognitive science. What is its relations with Descartes, explain with suitable example.

  10. How can you generate parse tree in the natural language processing? Explain it with suitable example.
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Lagrange's Interpolation Method Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
   int n,i,j;
   float x,l,summation = 0;
   float ax[50], fx[50],Lx[50];
   printf("Enter number of points : ");
   scanf("%d", &n);
   printf("Enter the value of x : ");
       printf("Enter the value of x and fx at i=%d\n", i);
       scanf("%f%f", &ax[i], &fx[i]);

       l = 1.0f;
           if(j != i){
   for(i=0; i <n ; i++){
   printf("Interpolation value is %0.4f ", summation);
   return 0;


Newton's Divided Difference Interpolation Method Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    int n,i,j;
    float xvalue,x[10],a[10],fx[10],summation,p;
    printf("Saroj Rana\nRoll:37\tSem:3rd\n");
    printf("Enter number of points:");
    printf("Enter the value for x:");
       printf("Enter the value of x and fx at i=%d\n",i);

         printf("Required value is %f",summation);
   return 0;


Least Square Linear Model Program

int main(){
   int n,i;
   float a,b,x[10],y[10],sx,sy,sx2,sxy;
   printf("Saroj Rana\nRoll:37\tSem:3rd\n");
   printf("Enter number of points:");
       printf("Enter value for x and y at i=%d\n",i);
   printf("Equation of form:  y=ax+b");
   printf("\nStraight line equation:  y=%0.3fx+%0.3f",b,a);
   return 0;


Least Square Exponential Model Program

int main(){
int n,i,j;
float a,la,b,x[10],y[10],sx,sly,sxly,sx2;
printf("Saroj Rana\nRoll:37\tSem:3rd\n");
printf("Enter number of points:");
printf("Enter value for x and y at i=%d\n",i);
   printf("Equation of type y=a*e^(bx)\n");
   printf("Straight line equation: y=%f*e^(%fx)",a,b);
   return 0;


Secant Method Program

#define f(x) 2*x*x+4*x-10
#define E 0.0001
int main(){
	int count=0;
	float x0, x1, x2, f1, f2, err;
	printf("Enter value of x0: ");
	scanf("%f", &x0);
	printf("Enter value of x1: ");
	scanf("%f", &x1);
	printf("%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\n", x0, f1, x1, f2);
	printf("\nRoot: %f", x2);
	printf("\nSteps: %d", count);
	return 0;

Newton Raphson Method Program

#define E 0.0001
#define f(x) x*x+4*x-9
#define fd(x) 2*x+4
int main(){
    int count=1;
    float x0, xn, fx, fdx, fxn, err;
    printf("Enter initial guess: ");
    scanf("%f", &x0);
    printf("\nValue\tFunctional Value\tDerivative Value\n");
	printf("%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\n", x0,fx, fdx);
    printf("\nFunctional Value: %0.4f", fxn);
    printf("\nNo of Iteration: %d", count);
    return 0;

Horner's Method Program

#define f(x) 3*x*x - 6*x + 2
int main()
    int n;
    float x0,a[50],b[50];
    //printf("Enter Degree of Polynomial : ");
    //scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("Enter the value at which polynomial is to be evaluated : ");
    scanf("%f", &x0);
    b[n] = a[n];
	b[n-1] = a[n-1]+b[n]*x0;
    printf("Value of polynomial f(%0.4f)=%0.4f",x0,b[0]);
    return 0;

Fixed Point Iteration Method Program

#define E 0.0001
#define f(x) 3*x*x - 6*x + 2
#define g(x) (6*x-2)/(3*x)
int main(){
	float x0, x1, err;
	int count = 0;
	printf("Enter Initial Guess : ");
	scanf("%f", &x0);
	x1 = g(x0);
	printf("\n%d\t\t%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\n",count, x0,x1);
	err = (x1-x0)/x1;
	x0 = x1;
	}while(fabs(err) > E);
	printf("\nIteration : %d\n", count);
	printf("\nThe root is %0.4f", x1);
	return 0;

Bisection Method Program

#define E 0.0001
#define f(x) 3*x*x+6*x-2
int mainy(){
    int count=0;
    float x0, x1, x2, f0, f1, f2, err;
    printf("Enter the value of Lower Limit: ");
    scanf("%f", &x1);
    printf("Enter the value of Upper Limit: ");
    scanf("%f", &x2);
    printf("\nLower Limit\tUpper Limit\tMid Value\n");
        printf("Solution doesnot exist");
            printf("%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\t\t%0.4f\n", x1,x2, x0);
        printf("\nRoot: %0.4f", x0);
        printf("\nFunctional Value: %0.4f", f0);
        printf("\No of Iteration: %d", count);
    return 0;

Computer Graphics (CG) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.254)        Pass Marks: 24
(Computer Graphics)                            Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.
  1. Digitize the endpoint (10,18), (15,8) using Bresenham's algorithm. [6]

  2. What are the object space and image space method of hidden surface removal? Describe the back face detection method of hidden surface removal. [6]

  3. Perform the scaling transformation to the triangle with vertices A(6,9), B(10,5), C(4,3) with scaling factors Sx = 3 and Sy = 2. [6]

  4. Explain about parametric cubic curve. Describe the properties of Bezier Curve. [3+3=6]

  5. Explain the visual effect that occurs when during animation of a Gouraud shading polyhedron, the center of a highlight moves from one vertex to another along an edge. [6]


    Illustrate the difference between orthographic (parallel) and perspective projection. [6]

  6. Define window and view port. Describe three dimension windows to view port transformation with matrix representation for each step. [2+4=6]

  7. Consider a raster scan system having 12 inch by 10 inch screen with resolution of 100 pixels per inch in each direction. If the display controller of this system refreshes the screen at the rate of 50 frames per second, how many pixels could be accessed per second and what is the access time per pixel of the system? [6]

  8. Find the composite transformation matrix for reflection about a line y=mx+c. [6]

  9. Construct the polygon table for a object with six vertex, eight edge and three surface. [6]


    Explain the role of computer graphics on animation. Define clipping operation with example. [3+3=6]

  10. Digitize an ellipse with center (20,20) and x-radius=8 and y-radius=6. [6]


    Find the new co-ordinates of a unit cube 90 degree rotated about an axis defined by its end points A(2, 1, 0) and B(3, 3, 1). [6]
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Monday, January 8, 2018

System Analysis and Design (SAD) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.252)        Pass Marks: 24
(System Analysis and Design)                        Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A

Attempt any two:     (2 x 10 = 20)
  1. Define informartion system? Why do we need it? Discuss different types of information systems with suitable example of each.

  2. What is DFD? Discuss different levels of DFD with suitable example.

  3. What is system implementation? Discuss different activities of system implementation in detail.

  4. Group B

    Attempt any eight:     (8 x 5 = 40)
  5. What is forward, reverse and round-trip engineering? Discuss.

  6. Discuss structured English with suitable example.

  7. Define feasibility study. Why do we need it?

  8. What is cost benefit analysis? How can you find system cost?

  9. How can you format forms and reports? Discuss.

  10. Why do we need normalization? Discuss 3NF with example.

  11. What is file organization? What are the objectives for choosing file organization? Discuss sequential file organization.

  12. What is maintenance? Discuss different types of maintenance acitivites.

  13. What is project management? Discuss different acitivities of software project management.

  14. Write short notes on:
    (a) Joint application development (b) Role of CASE in data modeling

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Theory of Computation (TOC) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 80
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.251)        Pass Marks: 32
(Thoery of Computation)                          Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.
Group A     [8x4=32]

  1. Convert the NFA-ε into NFA without ε.

  2. Find the regular expressions describing the following languages over alphabet {0, 1}*.
    (a) The language of all strings containing atleast two 0's.
    (b) The language of all strings containing both 00 and 010 as substrings.

  3. Construct FA recognizing the languages described by following regular expressions.
    (a) (10* + 01*)11*
    (b) (0 + 1)*(01+1000)0*

  4. What do you mean by a CFG in CNF? What are the criteria to be a CFG in CNF? Explain.

  5. Define the term Regular Grammar. What is the relation of Regular Grammar with other grammars? Explain

  6. Define the universal Turing machine and describe its role.

  7. Show that the complement of a recursive language is recursive.

  8. Explain, how can you encode a Turing machine into universal language.

Group B    [6x8=48]

  1. Describe the extended transition function of a NFA. Construct a NFA accepting the language over {a, b}* with each strings containing three consecutive b's. Show by extended function that it accepts abbb.

  2. Define the term immediate left recursion. How can you convert a grammar with immediate left recursion into equivalent grammar without left recursion? Remove left recursion from the following grammar.
    S -> S1S
    S1 -> S1 + T| T
    T -> T*F| F
    F -> (S1)| a

  3. Contruct a PDA that accepts the strings of language L ={wwR| w is in {a,b}*}.

  4. Describe multi tape Turing machine. Show that multi-tape Turing machine and one tape Turing machines are equivalent.

  5. Define class P and NP with example. Show that: If P1 is NP complete and three is a polynomial time reduction of P1 to P2 then P2 is NP-complete.

  6. Write short notes on (Any two)
    (a) Solvable vs Unsolvable problems
    (b) CNF Satisfiability
    (c) Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages

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Database Management System (DBMS) BSc CSIT 2074 Question Paper

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Second Year/ Fourth Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.253)        Pass Marks: 24
(Database Management System)                      Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.
  1. Answer the following questions in short: [5x2=10]
    (a) Data abstraction
    (b) Network data model
    (c) Trigger
    (d) Trivial functional dependency
    (e) Serializable schedule

  2. (a) Who is database administrator? What are the main functions of database adminstrator? [2+3=5]
    (b) Construct an E-R diagram for online course registration where students registers courses online. [5]

  3. Consider the following database, where primary keys are underlined
    teacher(TID, TName, Qualification)
    teaches(TID, CID) course(CID, CName, CCode)
    Construct the following relational algebra and SQL queries for this database. [10]
    (a) Find the names of all teachers who have PhD qualification.
    (b) Find the name of all courses taught by Ram Prasad.
    (c) Find the total number of courses taught by Ram Prasad.

  4. (a) Discuss referential integrity with example. [5]
    (b) What is functional dependency? Why do we need inference rules? [2.5+2.5=5]

  5. What are the benefits of using normalization? Discuss 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF with suitable example. [2.5+7.5=10]

  6. (a) Why do we need concurrency control? Discuss two phase locking protocol. [2+3=5]
    (b) Why do we need database recovery? Discuss shadow paging technique for database recovery. [2+3=5]
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