Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level/Fourth Year/ Seventh Semester/ Science Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.401) Pass Marks: 24
(Advanced Database Management System) Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all questions. (10x6=60)
- What is query processing? How is it different from query optimization? Discuss cost estimation for relational algebra expressions.
- What is data fragmentation? Discuss horizontal and vertical fragmentation in detail.
- Why do we need extended ER modeling? Discuss class/subclass relationship with example.
- How do object relational database support multi-valued and composite attributes? Discuss with example.
- What are the uses of active database? Discuss active database with example.
- Discuss mobile computing architecture. Discuss mobile data management in detail.
- Why do we need temporal database? Discuss valid time, transaction time and bi-temporal relations.
- Discuss benefits and applications of data mining. How is classification different from clustering?
- What is web service? Discuss SOAP in detail.
Write short notes on:
- Deductive database
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