Friday, July 19, 2019

Advanced Database Management System (ADBMS) BSc CSIT 2076 Question Paper 7th Semester

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level/Fourth Year/ Seventh Semester/ Science            Full Marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSc.401)        Pass Marks: 24
(Advanced Database Management System)              Time: 3 hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.     (10x6=60)
  1. What is query processing? How is it different from query optimization? Discuss cost estimation for relational algebra expressions.

  2. What is data fragmentation? Discuss horizontal and vertical fragmentation in detail.

  3. Why do we need extended ER modeling? Discuss class/subclass relationship with example.

  4. How do object relational database support multi-valued and composite attributes? Discuss with example.

  5. What are the uses of active database? Discuss active database with example.

  6. Discuss mobile computing architecture. Discuss mobile data management in detail.

  7. Why do we need temporal database? Discuss valid time, transaction time and bi-temporal relations.

  8. Discuss benefits and applications of data mining. How is classification different from clustering?

  9. What is web service? Discuss SOAP in detail.

  10. Write short notes on:
    1. Deductive database
    2. ODMG

1 comment:

  1. Dai 2074 ani 2075 ko old question chha vane share garnu na
